Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ron's How To: 3D Glasses

I am a fan of the Internet show Indymogul and a few months ago they were giving out free 3D glasses, about a hundred of them and i was very excited to get one. After a month i didn't get anything. I wasn't happy and i started to get very interested in 3D graphics and video. i've been trying to create my own 3D glasses for about 2 months now and i have done it!

First what you need is...

A Box Cutter

Cyan Clear Plastic

Red Clear Plastic



A Ruler

A Paint Brush

Ok here is what to do...

Step 1
Design and draw your glasses' template on the cardboard... 

Step 2
Now cut your glasses out using the box cutter and also cut out where the lenses will be...

Step 3
Now cut out your cyan and red plastic, just estimate the shape we'll cut out the the rest later... 

Step 4
Now cut out just a little of cardboard...

Now add some glue...

Take your brush and put it into the glue...

Add the glue on the glasses...

Then place the cyan and red plastic...

It should look like this...

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