Saturday, June 14, 2008

Ron Does Be Kind Rewind


Ron's Rating- 4/5

A man is magnetized and then comes into a video tape store and erases every movie in the store and what do you get? The answer is Be Kind Rewind. Jack Black and Mos Def play Jerry and Mike who watches over a video store for a friend named Mr. Fletcher played by Danny Glover and know they have erased all their tapes and know are forced to create there own movie in each video they have and they both become famous for their work.  Jack Black has also made movies in movies co-staring in King Kong as a director filming in the scary island they called Skull Island. Mos Def has starred in family comedies such as The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy where he stared as Ford Prefect as a hitchhikers in the galaxy. I loved this movie allot and it has a very good story to it. The conflict added in it creates the movie and makes fun of the very famous home videos that made people millionaires. I was bit excited to see how Black Jack and Mos Def act together and how they interact together. Great Movie!

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