Thursday, June 12, 2008

Ron Says To Please Don't Do Yellow Cab Pizza

Ron here says if you live in the Philippines to please not go to the pizza place called Yellow Cab Pizza. My dog was just recently stolen and died because of this place and this is the true story of my dogs and what happened. 

I was on vacation in the states and just got a text message saying that my dog was lost and didn't know where he was and so we told them to find them and when we came back to the Philippines my uncle was told from a man who worked in the Yellow Cab Pizza place that someone had him. My dad came in to store yelling and protesting if he had our dog and he kept denying he had seen him. but man dad would stop and he just spilled saying he stole our dog by putting him in the back of his motorcycle and leaving him at the restaurant  for two days and then leaving him at his home for a week with no food and soon my butch died. my other dog Ganda was very close to my other dog Butch and almost couldn't live without him and so she died as well  so my father made a deal with the man saying that in seven days if he doesn't give us one healthy male puppy dog he would call the police and the food health department. And so we were given a new dog named Buckeye. will still pass on the story and know it is going nation wide and know there is a social network called


So to help us on our protests please join


In memory of my two family members Butch and Ganda.

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